~ We Believe that God is just and that God loves justice.
~ God delights in just laws and rejoices in just people.
~ God liberates those who are oppressed by injustice
and is grieved by unjust people and the unjust systems
they create and sustain.
~ God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,
and God’s kingdom belongs to those willing to be
persecuted for the sake of justice.
~ To God, justice is a weighty thing that can never be
~ We believe that Jesus came to display the justice of God,
in word and deed, in life, death, and resurrection.
~ The justice God desires, which he taught, must surpass that of the hypocrites,
for the justice of God is a compassionate justice,
rich in mercy and abounding in love for the last, the least, the lost, and the excluded.
~ On his cross, Jesus drew the injustice of humanity into the light,
and there the heartless injustice of human empire met
~ The reconciling justice of the kingdom of God.
~ The resurrection of Jesus proclaims that the true
justice of God,
~ Naked, vulnerable, and scarred by abuse, is stronger
that the violent injustice of humanity, armed with weapons, conceit, deceit, and lies.
~ We believe that the Holy Spirit is here now,
convicting the world of sin and injustice,
warning that God’s judgment will come on all that is unjust.
~ We believe that the kingdom of God is not a matter of superficial things
but is justice, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
~ Empowered by the Spirit, then, we seek God’s kingdom
and we seek God’s justice, for so we live and work and pray,
until justice rolls down like water,
until justice flows like a never-ending stream.
~ For we believe that God is just, and the true and living God loves justice.
~ Amen ~