Beautiful Day is a network of churches working in collaboration with businesses, organizations, schools, media, entertainment, government, and health care to UNLEASH Compassion and Justice in the local community in such a creative and innovative way that it is felt by everyone and leaves an impact unparalleled by any group... any where... at any time.
"Beautiful Day helps me believe all over again—church leaders who get it—that God is at work in the world and is inviting us to join him there."
*** Reggie McNeal author of The Present Future ***
“I want to work towards a stronger partnership with the cities and the churches… and Beautiful Day is great example of how that can work.”
*** Chuck Reed, Mayor of San Jose, 10th largest city in the US ***
“Having tested positive 21 years ago, in a time of misunderstanding and misinformation, it is wonderful to see Beautiful Day reaching out to those with HIV/AIDS. These actions truly speak volumes about your Christianity.”
*** Ray Mueller, Director of the AIDS Coalition***
“Beautiful Day had a great effect on our campus! So much so that we are going to make it an annual event.”
*** Terry Swenson Loma Linda University Chaplain ***
“One of our neighbors asked me why we did this. I said to bless you and this community. He looked at me and said, Wow… really? Well consider it a success because my family was blessed!”
*** Todd Gumbrecht, Beautiful Day volunteer ***
“I want to say thank you to all the Beautiful Day people… its so unusual, so amazing, so miraculous, its unbelievable… you have made an impact on us.”
*** Miguel Montes Principal of Almaden School (after a campus makeover) ***
“The campus looked like grand opening on Monday…how does Beautiful Day get 400 people to show up and clean a campus like that?”
Posted via email from Jon Talbert's posterous